CBN Balkan je Globalna kršćanska neprofitna organizacija, a ujedno i ogranak CBN-a u Jugoistočnoj Europi od 2016. g. gdje djeluje u području medija, učeništva i humanitarnog rada.


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Covid19 Tag

CBN Balkan / Posts tagged "Covid19"

Most Americans, weary after two years of battling COVID, are resigned to a future that includes living with the disease indefinitely. A new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that 75 percent of US respondents are "tired" of the pandemic, and 77 percent believe that most people will eventually contract the virus. Nevertheless, a...

Many of us had a lot of Easter plans, including our Gizmo who loves to travel and meet children. However, like all of us, Gizmo's plans had to be postponed due to COVID-19. But, so that staying at home would not be boring for the children, but also for Gizmo, we decided to use the...