CBN Balkan je Globalna kršćanska neprofitna organizacija, a ujedno i ogranak CBN-a u Jugoistočnoj Europi od 2016. g. gdje djeluje u području medija, učeništva i humanitarnog rada.


CBN BALKAN - Palinovečka 43 , 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: +385-95-7421-222 / E-mail: [email protected] 

Operation Blessing

Operation Blessing

Humanitarian work and aid

CBN’s Operation Blessing (OB) provides disaster relief through country offices around the world. International teams are quickly mobilizing and working alongside churches and local communities to bring aid where it is most needed. For more than 40 years, OB and its partners have provided food, medical care, clean water and disaster relief to millions around the world. In Southeast Europe, CBN SEE is a partner with the Stijena association in the RIF (Recovery in Focus) project, which aims to empower prisoners during their stay in prison, help their families, and help and support former prisoners.

Our projects