CBN Balkan je Globalna kršćanska neprofitna organizacija, a ujedno i ogranak CBN-a u Jugoistočnoj Europi od 2016. g. gdje djeluje u području medija, učeništva i humanitarnog rada.


CBN BALKAN - Palinovečka 43 , 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: +385-95-7421-222 / E-mail: [email protected] 

Recovery is possible

Work with addicts and families

The project was supported for several years and it was coordinated by Zeljka Jakopcevc who dedicated her life to this cause so much so, that while in the project she finished her master in social science enabling her to work with this group even through the governmental system. She dedicated her life to working with addicts and ex-addicts and their families, firmly believing that complete recovery from addiction is possible. The basic activities were related to work on strengthening addicts or ex-addicts and their families, informing them about their options, motivating them to make good decisions and connecting them with family members.

However, the preparation of ex-addicts for life in freedom (after prison or life in a rehabilitation center) is also of great importance. At that stage, the goal was to provide practical and spiritual support. Željka also held a series of workshops in Serbia to help associations that work with addicts there. More than 185 users and their families went through individual counseling and workshops.

This project is no longer active.