CBN Balkan je Globalna kršćanska neprofitna organizacija, a ujedno i ogranak CBN-a u Jugoistočnoj Europi od 2016. g. gdje djeluje u području medija, učeništva i humanitarnog rada.


CBN BALKAN - Palinovečka 43 , 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: +385-95-7421-222 / E-mail: [email protected] 

Roma families in Zagreb Food and hygiene packages

15 families live in the Roma settlement Savica Šanci, and almost half of the residents are children. Families live in difficult living conditions without electricity and water. The project is aimed at helping with food and hygiene and equipping children for school at the beginning of the school year. The Etno Nova Association has been present in the settlement since 2020. year and during this time they achieved a correct and friendly relationship with the families.

In addition to material assistance, settlement residents are helped with paperwork, administration, and practical help in unpredictable situations they may find themselves in. Connected with Roma associations, representatives of the Council of the Roma Minority and the City of Zagreb, they are actively working to solve their housing issue.
