A new job and a new beginning
GUATEMALA – Young Selvin has never experienced what it’s like to have a dad. His father left his mother Liliana before he was born. Although he is only eight years old, Selvin is considered the “man of the house”. Liliana had a hard time coping with the role of a single mother. “Selvin was not yet born when my husband left us,” she said. “I was both father and mother to my child.” During the first few months of Selvin’s life, Liliana struggled to feed him. At the age of three months, Selvin suffered from chronic malnutrition. Liliana took her son to the hospital in Puerto Barrios for treatment. When he was well enough to leave the hospital, Liliana decided to stay in that coastal town. “I moved to Puerto Barrios to take care of my child,” Liliana said. “I saw it as an opportunity for a fresh start.” To make ends meet, Liliana started selling clothes on the street. “I went door to door offering baby clothes,” she recalled. She soon expanded her products, but did not earn enough to financially support herself and her son. Selvin, who was already going to school, had to endure the ridicule of his peers because Liliana did not have enough to afford him the new shoes he badly needed. But shoes weren’t the only thing Liliana didn’t have enough money for. Although Selvin didn’t know it, Liliana would often skip a meal so that there would be enough for her son. Liliana eventually found success selling topogigios, a traditional Guatemalan ice cream. However, she did not have the means to keep the food frozen and her profits were limited. “I always wanted to have my own business,” she said. “But my income wasn’t enough to invest.” Nevertheless, she raised her head and continued to work, and Selvin was always by her side. “I don’t like it when my mother leaves alone,” Selvin said. “I like knowing she’s okay.” One day, when Liliana and Selvin were cycling home from selling topogigios, people from Operation Blessing Guatemala noticed them. After talking with Liliana and Selvina, they quickly realized that with a little help, this hardworking mother and her son could thrive. Soon, Operation Blessing provided Liliana with a freezer so she could make and store her own ice cream. Thanks to this small investment, Liliana’s profits began to grow rapidly. Soon after, Selvin had not just one, but several pairs of new shoes, and Liliana even managed to save enough money to buy a second freezer to expand her business. Now Selvin and Liliana no longer have to worry about going hungry, and they are both grateful for the help they received. “Operation Blessing, thank you for the opportunity to be happy. Be blessed,” she exclaimed.