CBN Balkan je Globalna kršćanska neprofitna organizacija, a ujedno i ogranak CBN-a u Jugoistočnoj Europi od 2016. g. gdje djeluje u području medija, učeništva i humanitarnog rada.


CBN BALKAN - Palinovečka 43 , 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: +385-95-7421-222 / E-mail: [email protected] 


CBN Balkan / Projects


Superknjiga is an animated series that brings the Bible to life for children using the latest technology and design. It was produced by CBN (The Christian Broadcasting Network) in 1981. Each episode of Superbook is made with historical accuracy, using quotations from the Bible, to narrate these timeless biblical lessons in a form that will interest, delight and enchant the youngest. The superbook teaches children eternal moral truths and life values through the captivating biblical adventures of two children who travel through time with their robot friend Gizmo.

To date, the series has been shown in over 100 countries and translated into 46 languages, and has been viewed by more than half a billion people.

In Southeast Europe, Superbook is 2016. year began work with the first season in Croatian and was broadcast on RTL and NOVA TV. In addition to Croatian, we have two seasons in the Macedonian language that are broadcast on the popular local TV Sitel, and the first season in the Serbian and Slovenian languages and the third in the Croatian language are being prepared.

In addition to dubbing the Superbook into various languages, we organize promotions and events in schools and kindergartens by invitation, especially during Christmas and Easter. In addition to special events and themes, we also organize summer camps and are active on social networks.

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Operation Blessing

Humanitarian work and help

CBN’s Operation Blessing (OB) provides disaster relief through country offices around the world. International teams are quickly mobilizing and working alongside churches and local communities to bring aid where it is most needed.

For more than 40 years, OB and its partners have provided food, medical care, clean water and disaster relief to millions around the world.

In Southeast Europe, CBN SEE is a partner with the Stijena association in the RIF (Recovery in Focus) project, which aims to empower prisoners during their stay in prison, help their families, and help and support ex-prisoners.

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Operation Blessing – gallery

Orphan’s Promise

Children in need

CBN SEE provides help and support to children in need and their families through “Orphan’s Promise” (OP) Link OP: Our goal is to show them God’s love in a practical way and help fulfill their physical, educational and spiritual needs through partnership with local churches and other associations.

Currently, OP is a partner in more than 250 projects in 61 countries, in 6 geographical regions of the world. Today in the world there are 143 million children without parents, children without adequate parental care and children at risk

In Southeast Europe, OP has projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia where through our partners we work with children and young people, through sports, education, help after institutionalization and the like.

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Orphans Promise – gallery



One of the most famous CBN projects, the 700 Club program has been on the air since 1961, and with the help of our partners, CBN is also sharing the Gospel in 159 countries and territories, in 70 languages.

CBN production today has high quality film production. One of them is the award-winning documentary Hope – The Rebirth of Israel. And the latest documentary film “Ja sam Patrik” was also translated into Croatian and had its world premiere in Croatia.

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