CBN Balkan je Globalna kršćanska neprofitna organizacija, a ujedno i ogranak CBN-a u Jugoistočnoj Europi od 2016. g. gdje djeluje u području medija, učeništva i humanitarnog rada.


CBN BALKAN - Palinovečka 43 , 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: +385-95-7421-222 / E-mail: [email protected] 

Family in focus Working with families in Jajce

The family project in Jajce is focused on working with families in need, mostly single mothers. Children from certain families in the project are also included in the sports club Lavovi, and there is the possibility of scholarships to help and encourage them to complete the education they want. Families are helped through counselling, food packages, hygiene and medicine. Through practical workshops, the goal is for users to acquire life skills so that they can be agents of change and transformation in their families, and later in their communities.
